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Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 54 boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris, France
Langues :
Anglais, Japonais
Richard FILLON (Réalisation), Elisabeth de PABLO (Réalisation), Miriam MEISSNER (Réalisation), Peter STOCKINGER (Réalisation), FMSH-ESCoM (Production), Kumiko Aoki (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/nqdz-3440
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Kumiko Aoki. FMSH. (2008, 31 mars). Distance Learning, Intercultural Communication and ICT , in AOKI Kumiko. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. https://doi.org/10.60527/nqdz-3440. (Consultée le 20 septembre 2024)

Distance Learning, Intercultural Communication and ICT

Réalisation : 31 mars 2008 - Mise en ligne : 12 novembre 2008
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In this interview, Kumiko AOKI 青木久美子 tells us about her academic background, her experiences with regard to different scientific institutions and international workplaces as well as about her research experiments. She compares the international employment of e-learning among various contexts and institutions of higher education. She particularly focuses on the teaching and learning of intercultural communication. She explains that in Japan, the diffusion of e-learning among higher education institutions is very behind among all the OECD nations despite the fact that the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Technology (MEXT) has been trying hard to promote e-learning in Japan. On the contrary in North America and Australia, e-learning is widespread because due to the countries’ geographical nature, the need of distance learning has existed for a long time and e-learning is a natural extension of distance learning. However, unlike North America and Australia, most European countries do not have such inherent needs of distance learning as the most countries have dense population, which is similar to situations in Japan. Therefore, it is significant for conducting research on national policies and funding for e-learning in European countries, the status of e-learning implementation of various institutions in Europe.Researching and exchanging information on above matters would be mutually beneficial to those researchers who are interested in national policies of e-learning and policy-makers in the world. Moreover she points out her understanding of an adequate teaching, especially with reference to distance education.

>> Consult her personal web pages. >> Consult the NIME-National Institute of Multimedia Education renamed Center of ICT and Distance Education - CODE web site.


I. Book Chapters

Aoki, K. (2006). Cultural differences in e-commerce: A comparison between the United States and Japan. In Cultural Framework and Challenges: Web Adoption and Practice. New Delhi: ICFAI University Press, pp. 187-207.

Ono, R. & Aoki, K. (2000). Regulation of Internet telephony. In Electronic Communication Convergence: Policy Challenges in Asia (Hukill, M., Ono, R. & Vallath, C. eds.) New Delhi: Sage Publications. pp.77-112.

II. Articles & Reports

Latchem, C., Jung, I., Aoki, K. & Ozkul, A. (in press). The tortoise and the hare enigma in e-transformation in Japanese and Korean higher education. British Journal of Educational Technology.
Aoki, K. (2006). Cultural differences in learning styles: Do they really exist? ELSIN Newsletter, p.6.
Aoki, K. (2006). ICTを活用した国際交流活動の現状と課題-2004年度全国四年制大学対象のアンケート調査の結果から [Current Status and Challenges of International Activities Using ICT in Japanese 4-year Colleges and Universities: Results of the Survey Conducted in 2004] (NIME Research Report, 15-2006). Chiba, Japan, National Institute of Multimedia Education.
Aoki, K. (2005). 学習スタイルの概念と理論及びそれに基づく測定方法-欧米の研究から日本独自の研究への考察 [Reviews of Concepts and Theories of Learning Styles and their Instruments: To Develop Learning Style Research in Japan] (NIME Research Report, 11-2005). Chiba, Japan, National Institute of Multimedia Education.
Aoki, K. (2005). 学習スタイルの概念と理論―欧米の研究から学ぶ[ Concepts and theories of learning styles: Learning from past studies in the U.S. and Europe] メディア教育研究 [Journal of Multimedia Education and Research], 2(1), pp.197-212.
Aoki, K. (2005). Japanese higher education institutions in the 21st century: The challenge of globalization and internationalization, Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies.
Aoki, K. (2005). Globalization of higher education through e-learning: Case studies of virtual universities based on international collaboration of universities across national borders. メディア教育研究[Journal of Multimedia Education and Research], 1(1), pp. 99-105.
Aoki, K. & Downes, E. (2003). An analysis of young people's use of and attitudes toward cell phone.  Telematics & Informatics, 20(4), pp.349-364.
Aoki, K. (2000). Cultural differences in e-commerce: A comparison between the U.S. and Japan. First Monday, 5(11).
Ono, R. & Aoki, K. (1998). Convergence and new regulatory frameworks: A comparative study of regulatory approaches to Internet telephony. Telecommunications Policy, 22(10), pp. pp. 817-838.
Aoki, K. & Polgnowski, D. (1998). Virtual university reference model: A guide to delivering education and support services to the distance learner, Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 1(3).
Aoki, K. (1995). Synchronous multi-user textual communication in international tele-collaboration. Electronic Journal of Communication, 5(4)
Aoki, K. (1995). Virtual communities in Japan: Their cultures and infrastructure. Asia Pacific Exchange Journal, 2(1)
Aoki, K. (1994). Ethical communication in virtual communities. Media Ethics, 6, (2), 5.

III. Published Symposium and Conference Works

Aoki, K. (2007). 米国のオンライン大学の類型モデルとその事例 [Classification Model of Online Universities in the U.S. and Case Studies] 日本教育工学会第23回全国大会講演論文集, p.397-398
Bray, E. & Aoki, K. (2007). Learning satisfaction of Japanese online distance learners: Survey results. ITHET 2007 8th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training: Program and Abstracts, P.32
Aoki, K. (2007). ICTを活用した国際遠隔教育事例ートルコのアナドル大学と神田外語大学の学生グループプロジェクトー[Case Study of International Distance Education - Collaborative Group Projects between Anadolu University in Turkey and Kanda University of International Studies in Japan] 2007年度異文化間教育学会第28回大会抄録集[Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Intercultural Education Society of Japan], pp.148-151
Aoki, K. (2006). Distance learning programs and schools in Japan: From correspondence learning to e-learning. Proceedings of the E-Learn:World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education, held in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Aoki, K. (2006). デジタルTVとインターネットによる現場教師研修-英国Teachers' TVの事例分析[Teacher Training through Digital TV and the Internet: A Case Study of Teachers’ TV in the U.K.] 日本教育工学会第22回全国大会抄録集 [Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Educational Technology.]
Ozukul, A. & Aoki, K. (2006). E-Learning in Japan: Steam locomotive on shinkansen. Proceedings of the 22nd ICDE World Conference on Distance Education: Promoting Quality in On-line, Flexible and Distance Education, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Aoki, K. (2006). Internationalization of higher education: Issues and prospects of promoting international distance education in Japan. Proceedings of the ICICTE 2006: International Conference on Information Communications Technologies in Education, pp. 52-57, Rhodes, Greece.
Aoki, K. (2005). Cross-border higher education through e-learning: Issues and opportunities. Proceedings of the ICDE 2005 International Conference on Open Learning & Distance Education, held in New Delhi.
Aoki, K. (2005). 高等教育におけるメディアを使った国際交流の現状[Current Status of International Activities Using ICT in Higher Education in Japan]. 日本教育工学会第21回全国大会抄録集 [Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Educational Technology.]
Aoki, K. (2005). メディアと国際交流::大学における国際交流活動に関するアンケート調査の結果より」[Internationalization of universities and ICT: The results from the survey on international activities in higher education institutions in Japan]. 日本教育工学会研究会報告書[Proceedings of the Research Meeting of the Japan Society of Educational Technology]、pp43-48.
Aoki, K. (2004). Globalization of e-learning:Issues and opportunities for international collaboration. Proceedings of the E-Learn:World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education, held in Washington, D.C.
Aoki, K. (2004). Concepts and theories on learning styles: Towards developing an optimum learning environments [学習スタイルに関する理論と概念―最適な学習環境構築に向けてー]. 日本教育工学会全国大会抄録集 [Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society for Educational Technology], held in Tokyo, Japan。
Aoki, K. (2004). 高等教育のグローカル化:国際的大学コンソーシアムによる有名大学の学生市場拡大 [Glocalization of higher education:Expansion of student markets by international consortia of universities]. 多文化関係学会全国大会抄録集 [Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Japan Society for Multicultural Relations, held in Tokyo, Japan.
Aoki, K. (2000). Cultural differences in e-commerce: A comparison between the U.S. and Japan. Proceedings of the10th Annual Internet Society Conference, INET 2000: The Internet Global Summit, held in Yokohama, Japan.
Aoki, K. & Elasmar, M. (2000). Opportunities and challenges of a Web survey: Results of a field experiment. Proceedings of the American Statistical Association.
Aoki, K. & Goto, K. (1995). International joint tele-class using the Internet and a video conferencing system: Implementation and evaluation. Proceedings of the Pacific Telecommunications Council Seventeenth Annual Conference, Pacific Telecommunications Council, held in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Aoki, K. (1994). Virtual community: Computer-mediated communication in Japan. Proceedings of the Pacific Telecommunications Council Sixteenth Annual Conference, Pacific Telecommunications Council, held in Honolulu, Hawaii.

IV. Unpublished Conference Presentations

Aoki, K. (2007, November). Fostering intercultural competence through ICT in Japan. Paper presented at LED2007: 2nd International Conference on Language, Education and Diversity, The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Aoki, K. & Pincas, A. (2007, July). An Approach to Pedagogy in the Global Context: Contrasting Education in Japan and the U.K. Paper presented at the Learning Together: Reshaping Higher Education in a Global Age, Institute of Education, University of London.
Aoki, K. (2007, June). Confucius vs. Socrates: The Impact of Educational Traditions of East and West on E-Learning. Paper presented at the Fourteenth International Conference on Learning (LEARNING CONFERENCE 2007), University of the Witwaterstrand, South Africa.
Aoki, K. & Aydin, C. H. (2006, September). Culture, collaboration and Internet: A cross-cultural study between Japan and Turkey. Paper presented at the 2nd International Open and Distance Learning (IODL) Symposium: Lifelong Open and Flexible Learning in the Globalized World, Anadolu University, Turkey
Aoki, K. & Bray, E. (2006, June). Learning styles of distance learners and campus-based learners in Japan. Paper presented at the ELSIN 2006 European Learning Style Information Network Annual Conference, held in Oslo, Norway.
Aoki, K. (2006, January). Internationalization of higher education in Japan: Mobility of teachers, students, campuses, and programs. Paper presented at the Japan Studies Association: The Twelfth Annual Conference, held in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Aoki, K. (2005, October). Internationalization of higher education (or the lack of it) in Japan. Paper presented at the Japan Studies Association of Canada & East Asian Council of Canadian Asian Studies Association Alberta Conference, Edmonton, Canada.
Aoki, K. (2005, September). Japanese higher education in the 21st century: The challenge of globalization.  Paper presented at the British Association for Japanese Studies Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury, U.K.
Aoki, K. (2005, July). Japanese higher education institutions in the global economy. Paper presented at the 14th Biennial Conference of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia (JSAA2005), University of Adelaide.
Aoki, K. (2004, September). Cultural differences in learning styles.  Paper presented at the ELSIN [European Learning Styles Information Network] Seminar, held in Durham, U.K.
Aoki, K. (2004, August). Globalization of higher education: Issues and opportunities. Paper presented at the EWC/EWCA 2004 Tokyo International Conference: New Challenges for Building Asia-Pacific Community, held in Tokyo, Japan.
Aoki, K. & Downes, E. (2003, July). Information overload among college students. Paper presented at the International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies (CCCT '03), held in Orlando, Florida.
Aoki, K. & Downes, E. (2002, June). Wireless phone usage: An analysis of users' subjective responses in the adoption and usage of a new communications technology. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS'02): Social Implications of Information and Communication Technology, held in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Elasmar, M. & Aoki, K. (2002, May). The impact of privacy and security concerns on the willingness to provide sensitive information about self via the World Wide Web.Paper presented at the 57th Annual AAPOR Conference , held in St. Pete Beach, Florida.
Elasmar, M., Aoki, K. & Bennett, K. (2001, August). Predictors of online shopping behavior. Paper presented at the Association for Educators of Journalism and Mass Communication Convention , held in Washington.
Aoki, K. (2000, September). Taxonomy of interactivity on the Web. Paper presented at the Internet Research 1.0, held in Lawrence, Kansas.
Aoki, K. (1999, May). Virtual focus groups: Opportunities and limitations. Paper presented at the International Field Directors and Technologies Conference, held in Clearwater, Florida.
Aoki, K. & Elasmar, M. (1999, May). Opportunities and challenges of a Web survey: The results of a field experiment.  Paper presented at the 55th Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, held in Portland, Oregon.
Aoki, K. (1998, June). A typology for distance education: Tool for strategic planning. Paper accepted at ED-MEDIA / ED-TELECOM 98, held in Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg, Germany.
Ono, R. & Aoki, K. (1998, June). Comparative analyses of policy development regarding Internet telephony in U.S., Europe and Asia. Paper presented at the Twelfth Biennial ITS Conference, held in Stockholm, Sweden.
Aoki, K. (1994, June). Intercultural tele-collaboration: A proposed project. Paper presented at the Conference on Computing for Social Sciences, University of Maryland, held in College Park, Maryland, U.S.A.


Name:                       Kumiko Aoki (青木久美子)
Nationality:               Japan
Tel No.                     +81 43 298 3250
e-mail address:          kaoki@nime.ac.jp
Current Employment: National Institute of Multimedia Education, Japan


03/1985          Bachelor’s Degree, Faculty of Foreign Language, American Studies, Nanzan University
09/1988          Master Course, School of Communication, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (enrollment)
05/1990          Master’s Degree, School of Communication, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (year of graduation)
09/1990          Doctoral Course, Interdisciplinary Program, University of Hawaii at Manoa (enrollment)
05/1995          Ph.D., Interdisciplinary Program in Communication and Information Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa (year of graduation)

Title of dissertation (Ph.D.):Intercultural Telecollaboration: A Field Experiment Based upon a Heuristic Telecollaboration Model of Collaborative Writing through the Internet

Employment Experiences

08/1990-07/1995:Graduate Assistant, Department of Communication, University of Hawaii at Manoa
09/1995- 07/1998:Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Rochester Institute of Technology
09/1998- 12/2003:Assistant Professor, College of Communication, Boston University
01/2004- present:Associate Professor, National Institute of Multimedia Education, Japan
06/2004- present:Associate Professor, Department of Cyber Society and Culture, School of Cultural and Social Studies, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies

Professional Research Associations and Societies

Japan Society for Multicultural Relations: Board member, Editor-in-Chief
Japan Society for Educational Technology (JSET)
Japan Network for International Education (JAFSA)
Japan Association for College English Teachers (JACET)
Intercultural Education Society of Japan
TCC Worldwide Online Conference: Advisory panel member

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