Lieu de réalisation
Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier 3
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Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle
DOI : 10.60527/qxw0-ad33
Citer cette ressource :
EMMA. (2024, 16 mai). 4. “How to teach children about histories of Slavery and Colonialism: A Lancaster Response” – Geraldine Onek (Co-Founder Lancaster Black History Group) , in 'Black Lives Matter' : formes politiques et artistiques de l’antiracisme aux États-Unis et au Royaume-Uni. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 21 janvier 2025)

4. “How to teach children about histories of Slavery and Colonialism: A Lancaster Response” – Geraldine Onek (Co-Founder Lancaster Black History Group)

Réalisation : 16 mai 2024 - Mise en ligne : 24 novembre 2024
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After the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, there were calls to address gaps on the UK schools curriculum around the histories of slavery and colonialism. In this talk I introduce some of the workshops and teaching resources that I have developed for primary schools, and discuss how we can teach sensitive topics such as slavery to young children in ways that centre Black agency and support wider anti-racist goals. 

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