'Black Lives Matter' : formes politiques et artistiques de l’antiracisme aux États-Unis et au Royaume-Uni

Black Lives Matter: Political and artistic mobilization against systemic racism in the US and the UK
International conference
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, France
15-16-17 May 2024
“Jake Blount and The Folk of Black Souls – Curating, Correcting | “Genre Queering” the US Folk Musi…
“Jake Blount and The Folk of Black Souls – Curating, Correcting and “GenreQueering” the US Folk Music Canon in the Black Lives Matter Era”
“ ‘Defund the Police’ UK: Mobilising against institutional racism in a hostile environment”
“ ‘Defund the Police’ UK: Mobilising against institutional racism in a hostile environment”
Black Lives Matter: Political and artistic mobilization against systemic racism in the US and the U…
Black Lives Matter: Political and artistic mobilization against systemic racism in the US and the UK Conference (opening remarks)
Stage reading with actors Lorry Hardel and Olivia Mabounga of extract from Aleshea Harris's play Is…
Stage reading with actors Lorry Hardel and Olivia Mabounga of extract from Aleshea Harris's play Is God Is
Stage reading with actor Olivia Mabounga of extract from Selina Thompson's play Salt.
Stage reading with actor Olivia Mabounga of extract from Selina Thompson's play Salt.
Victor Ray (University of Iowa) - "Critical Race Theory and the Interest Divergence Dilemma"
"Critical Race Theory and the Interest Divergence Dilemma" - Victor Ray (University of Iowa)
Talal Hochard (Université de Lorraine, IDEA) - “Shifting Perspectives: How Black Lives Matter Alter…
“Shifting Perspectives: How Black Lives Matter Altered Views on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” - Talal Hochard (Université de Lorraine, IDEA)
“Do #BlackLivesMatter to YouTube?: Auditing YouTube Search Results for Black Lives Matter Content A…
Avriel Epps (Harvard University) - “Do #BlackLivesMatter to YouTube?: Auditing YouTube Search Results for Black Lives Matter Content After George Floyd’s Murder”
"Black Lives Matter and African American political mobilization: the quest for legitimacy in the ou…
"Black Lives Matter and African American political mobilization: the quest for legitimacy in the outdoors and the outdoor industry"
"Facing the Past: Black Lancastrians” – Lela Harris (Artist, Kendal, UK)
Lela Harris (Artist) - “Facing the Past: Black Lancastrians”
"How prominent and permanent Black history exhibits in museums and galleries could positively affec…
Kirsty Roberts (University of Central Lancashire) - "How prominent and permanent Black history exhibits in museums and galleries could positively affect public engagement with missing histories in
4. “How to teach children about histories of Slavery and Colonialism: A Lancaster Response” – Geral…
Geraldine Onek (Co-Founder Lancaster Black History Group) - “How to teach children about histories of Slavery and Colonialism: A Lancaster Response” –
"Guerrilla Memorialisation and the Slave Site Tour in Lancaster: Towards a Radical Praxis"- Alan Ri…
Alan Rice (IBAR at UCLan, Preston) - "Guerrilla Memorialisation and the Slave Site Tour in Lancaster: Towards a Radical Praxis"
Questions and Answers with Patrisse Cullors, artist, and BLM co-founder (Part IV)
Questions and Answers with Patrisse Cullors, artist, and BLM co-founder (Part IV)
Questions and Answers with Patrisse Cullors, artist, and BLM co-founder (Part III)
Questions and Answers with Patrisse Cullors, artist, and BLM co-founder (Part III)
Questions and Answers with Patrisse Cullors, artist, and BLM co-founder (Part II)
Questions and Answers with Patrisse Cullors, artist, and BLM co-founder (Part II)
Questions and Answers with Patrisse Cullors, artist, and BLM co-founder (Part I)
Questions and Answers with Patrisse Cullors, artist, and BLM co-founder (Part I)
“Appropriating #BlackLivesMatter in France: shedding light on home truths, or obfuscating them?”
“Appropriating #BlackLivesMatter in France: shedding light on home truths, or obfuscating them?”
“Focus versus Denial: A pragma-linguistic analysis of the Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter s…
“Focus versus Denial: A pragma-linguistic analysis of the Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter slogans”
“Understanding the Backlash to Black Lives Matter” - Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (Princeton University)
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (Princeton University): “Understanding the Backlash to Black Lives Matter”
“Race, art and transnational public space through the lens of the Faith Ringgold Retrospective (Mus…
“Race, art and transnational public space through the lens of the Faith Ringgold Retrospective (Musée Picasso, Paris, 2023)”
“’See you tomorrow, kid’: BLM, apt anger, and the redemption of history” - Natalia Botonaki (Univer…
Natalia Botonaki (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid): “’See you tomorrow, kid’: BLM, apt anger, and the redemption of history”
“A Monumental Revision” - Lynn Weiss (College of William and Mary)
“A Monumental Revision” - Lynn Weiss (College of William and Mary)
Intervenants et intervenantes
Docteur en langues, littératures anglaises et anglophones (Lyon 2, 2008).
Professeur de civilisation britannique contemporaine à l'Université Savoie Mont Blanc (en 2016)
Maître de conférence en civilisation américaine à l'Université Grenoble Alpes [en 2021]
Écrit aussi en anglais
Normalienne, agrégée d'anglais et titulaire d'une maîtrise de lettres modernes. Maître de conférences à l'Université de Provence, France (en 1999). Professeur d'histoire culturelle américaine, d'études afro-américaines et d'études de genre, Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Guyancourt, France (en 2020)
Politologue. - Maître de conférences en sociologie à l'université de Lille. - Spécialiste en civilisation américaine (en 2021)
Auteur d'une thèse en Études anglophones à Paris 4 en 2010
Spécialiste du mouvement ouvrier britannique
Auteur d'une thèse en Histoire (EHESS, 2013)
Enseigne l'anglais à l'université Paris-Sorbonne (en 2013) et à Montpellier 3 en 2016
Docteur en littérature anglaise (Montpellier 2, 1987). Professeur d'études américaines, université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier (en 2016)
Docteur en Langue et culture des sociétés anglophones. En poste à Aix-Marseille Université, LERMA/IUF (2018)
- Activisme politique
- Racisme
- États-Unis
- Noirs américains
- Esclavage -- Droit romain
- Noirs
- Esclavage -- Justification
- Civilisation -- Angleterre (GB)
- Commémorations
- Noirs américains -- Jusqu'à 1863
- Relations interethniques
- Amérique du Nord
- Racisme -- Aspect psychologique
- Angleterre (GB)
- Arts -- Japon -- 794-1185 (Époque de Heian)
- France
- Linguistique -- Informatique
- Noirs américains -- 1877-1964
- Palestine
- Tourisme
- YouTube (site web)