Vidéo pédagogique
Langue :
Fabien Gandon (Intervention), Catherine Faron (Intervention), Olivier Corby (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/2t6b-fp73
Citer cette ressource :
Fabien Gandon, Catherine Faron, Olivier Corby. Inria. (2016, 8 septembre). 5. Stack of Standards and Languages , in 1. Principles of a Web of Linked Data. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 26 octobre 2024)

5. Stack of Standards and Languages

Réalisation : 8 septembre 2016 - Mise en ligne : 13 novembre 2018
  • document 1 document 2 document 3
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Let us now conclude this first part with an overview of the stack of standards and languages that are used to publish data on the Web.

These standards are recommendations from the W3C. In the stack you see here, we will first focus next week on RDF. RDF stands for Resource Description Framework. It is a data model and a set of syntaxes to write descriptions about the resources on the Web and exchange them. As we will see, it's a graph based model.


Summary of what is to come...

One difficulty, the first time you discover linked data on the Web, is that the initiative is presented under different names, each name insisting on a different facet of the overall architecture:

  • The name “Web of data” insists on the opportunity now offered to us on the Web to open silos of data of all sizes, from the dataset of an address book up to immense genomic databases, and to exchange, to connect, to mix them on the Web according to our needs.
  • The name "linked open data" focuses on the opportunity to exploit open data from the Web in our applications and the high added value there is in using and reusing URIs to join assertions from different sources. This name also reminds us that linked data are not necessarily open and that all the techniques we are introducing here can be used in private spaces (intranets, intrawebs, extranets, etc.)
  • The name "giant global graph" puts into perspective the thousands of links between data distributed on the Web and which, joined through URIs, produce a giant graph.
  • The name “semantic web” emphasizes the ability we now have to exchange our data schemas, in addition to datasets, and the associated semantics in order to enrich the range of automatic processing that can be performed on them.

But in fact, these names are just different facets of one global initiative.

Let us summarize in six points the ideas of a Web of linked data and a semantic Web:

...and remember... “applications pass but data remain”  

To go further...

At W3C:


Video: "Semantic Web & the Web of Data: when the link makes sense"

Decks of slides:

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