2. Genes and proteins

Table of contents
2.1. Genes: from Mendel to molecular biology
2.2. The genetic code
2.3. A translation algorithm
2.4. Implementing the genetic code
2.5. Algorithms + data structures = programs
2.6. The algorithm design trade-off
2.7. DNA sequencing
2.8. Whole genome sequencing
2.9. How to find genes?
2.1. The sequence as a model of DNA
Welcome back to our course on genomes and algorithms that is a computer analysis ofgenetic information. Last week we introduced the very basic concept in biology that is cell, DNA, genome, genes
2.2. Genes: from Mendel to molecular biology
The notion of gene emerged withthe works of Gregor Mendel. Mendel studied the inheritance on some traits like the shape of pea plant seeds,through generations. He stated the famous laws of inheritance
2.3. The genetic code
Genes code for proteins. What is the correspondence betweenthe genes, DNA sequences, and the structure of proteins? The correspondence isthe genetic code. Proteins have indeedsequences of amino acids.
2.4. A translation algorithm
We have seen that the genetic codeis a correspondence between the DNA or RNA sequences and aminoacid sequences that is proteins. Our aim here is to design atranslation algorithm, we make the
2.5. Implementing the genetic code
Remember we were designing our translation algorithm and since we are a bit lazy, we decided to make the hypothesis that there was the adequate function forimplementing the genetic code. It's now time
2.6. Algorithms + data structures = programs
By writing the Lookup GeneticCode Function, we completed our translation algorithm. So we may ask the question about the algorithm, does it terminate? Andthe answer is yes, obviously. Is it pertinent,
2.7. The algorithm design trade-off
We saw how to increase the efficiencyof our algorithm through the introduction of a data structure. Now let's see if we can do even better. We had a table of index and weexplain how the use of these
2.8. DNA sequencing
During the last session, I explained several times how it was important to increase the efficiency of sequences processing algorithm because sequences arevery long and there are large volumes of
2.9. Whole genome sequencing
Sequencing is anexponential technology. The progresses in this technologyallow now to a sequence whole genome, complete genome. What does it mean? Well let'stake two examples: some twenty years ago,
2.10. How to find genes?
Getting the sequence of the genome is only the beginning, as I explained, once you have the sequence what you want to do is to locate the gene, to predict the function of the gene and maybe study the
Intervenants et intervenantes
Ingénieur. Auteur d'une thèse de docteur-ingénieur en sciences appliquées (Grenoble INPG, 1976). - HDR. Directeur de thèse à Grenoble INPG (1990-1994-) et à l'université de Grenoble 1. Directeur de recherche au centre Inria Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes (2002, 2015)