Lieu de réalisation
Maison de la Recherche, Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès
Langue :
Claire Sarazin (Réalisation), Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès (Production), Le Vidéographe - Maison de l'image et du Numérique (Publication), Janice Carruthers (Intervention)
DOI : 10.60527/4c0w-wa24
Citer cette ressource :
Janice Carruthers. UT2J. (2024, 30 mai). Temporality, Orality and Discourse Structuring , in CHRONOS 15 : 15th International Conference on Actionality, Tense, Aspect, Modality/Evidentiality. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 6 octobre 2024)

Temporality, Orality and Discourse Structuring

Réalisation : 30 mai 2024 - Mise en ligne : 27 septembre 2024
  • document 1 document 2 document 3
  • niveau 1 niveau 2 niveau 3

In the first part of this paper I will present some of the results of a Horizon 2020-funded project on temporality in Occitan and French oral narrative, undertaken in partnership with Marianne Vergez-Couret (Poitiers).

The paper will first discuss the scalar approach taken to orality in the context of a minoritized language and the consequential decisions for corpus design. I will then focus on our questions and findings in relation to temporal framing and temporal connectives, before looking briefly at the potential structuring role of alors in one of the Occitan sub-corpora.

Following on from this, in the second part of the paper, I will discuss some tentative initial findings from new research in relation to framing, connectives and the use of alors in a corpus of traditional storytelling in French, positioning these findings in the context of other research on the metadiscursive values of alors in spoken French.


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