Vidéo pédagogique
Langue :
Fabien Gandon (Intervention), Catherine Faron (Intervention), Olivier Corby (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/bqk4-s735
Citer cette ressource :
Fabien Gandon, Catherine Faron, Olivier Corby. Inria. (2016, 8 septembre). Demos about a Web of Linked data , in 1. Principles of a Web of Linked Data. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 20 septembre 2024)

Demos about a Web of Linked data

Réalisation : 8 septembre 2016 - Mise en ligne : 13 novembre 2018
  • document 1 document 2 document 3
  • niveau 1 niveau 2 niveau 3

The BBC Web site uses linked (open) data

The Wildlife documentary catalog on the Web site of BBC

The Web site of BBC is structured and augmented with both internal and public linked data. In particular, the categories, links, descriptions and additional pointers of the animals used to organize the Wildlife portal of their site rely directly on linked data

+ 5 more demos  :

Browsing DBpedia

One of the resources used in the previous demo of the BBC is DBpedia. We will now browse that resource.

The DBpedia website implements content negotiation to answer HTTP calls and adapt the format of the data it serves to the needs of the requester.

In this demo, we use a classic Web browser, therefore the DBpedia website will deliver HTML representations of the descriptions of the resources of which we access the HTTP URIs.

We will see later with the demo on CURL how we can obtain data in other formats at the same address using content negotiation.

Sindice : Searching the Web of data

Sindice: one of the early search engines on the Web of Data

One of the first search engines on the Web of data was Sindice. It is now discontinued but during years this prototype showed how one could find datasets from keywords describing the topics we were interested in.

At the following address, you can also learn more about the story of Sindice and the end of support for this search engine in 2014:

Open Calais : From natural language to linked data

The Web service OpenCalais automatically creates linked data from the textual content you submit. Using natural language processing techniques and machine learning techniques, OpenCalais analyzes the text to find known URIs identifying the entities mentioned in the text and link them to linked open data on the Web.

Curl : When software agents access the Web of data

In this last demo, we will use the CURL command to show how software agents can easily access data on the Web. This demo also prepares you to one of the exercises of this week that will use the same command.

Discovery Hub : Linked Data for Exploratory Search

Discovery Hub is an exploratory search engine built on top of the famous Wikipedia and more precisely on top of the data extracted by DBpedia. Exploratory search is a new way to search the Web to find things you might not have been searching for but that may be interesting for you. It allows performing queries in an innovative way and helps you to navigate rich results. As a hub, it proposes redirections to others platforms to make you benefit from your discoveries (Youtube, Deezer and more).


DBpedia at the heart of the linked open data cloud

The graph below shows the cloud of linked open databases on the Web.

Two nodes are linked if the dataset links their data, for instance if one of the dataset reuses the identifiers of the other dataset to identify the same resources (e.g. people, places, etc.).
At the center of the cloud is one of the oldest, largest (in terms of size and coverage) and most well-known dataset: DBpedia. Its name comes from the fact that it publishes on the Web of linked data structured data extracted from Wikipedia and, in particular, from its infoboxes (structured tables summarizing facts about a topic in a Wikipedia page).

Click on the image to zoom and move in the LOD cloud.


This cloud view is available under a CC-BY-SA license: Linking Open Data cloud diagram 2014, by Max Schmachtenberg, Christian Bizer, Anja Jentzsch and Richard Cyganiak.

See also: Chris Bizer's keynote at ISWC 2016 "Is the Semantic Web what we expected? Adoption Patterns and Content-driven Challenges"

Discovery Hub : Linked Data for Exploratory Search

Discovery Hub is an exploratory search engine built on top of the famous Wikipedia and more precisely on top of the data extracted by DBpedia. Exploratory search is a new way to search the Web to find things you might not have been searching for but that may be interesting for you. It allows performing queries in an innovative way and helps you to navigate rich results. As a hub

DBpedia at the heart of the linked open data cloud

it proposes redirections to others platforms to make you benefit from your discoveries (Youtube

Open Calais: From natural language to linked data

Deezer and more).

CURL: Put yourself in the skin of a software

The graph below shows the cloud of linked open databases on the Web.

Sindice: one of the early search engines on the Web of Data

The Web service OpenCalais automatically creates linked data from the textual content you submit. Using natural language processing techniques and machine learning techniques

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