"Double modal constructions in Australian and New Zealand English: A computational sociolinguistic survey", Cameron MORIN, ENS Lyon
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In this presentation, I report the first large-scale corpus study of double modal usage in Australian and New Zealand Englishes, based on a multi-million-word corpus of geolocated automatic speech recognition transcripts from YouTube. Double modals are considered rare grammatical features of English, which have long been extremely difficult to observe in natural language due to low frequencies, non-standardness, and restriction to oral speech registers. In addition, it has generally been assumed that they make up small sets of diachronically related forms, whose geographical distribution is mainly restricted to the Southern US and the North of the UK. Our results challenge these long-standing assumptions by presenting the first inventory of double modals observed outside of these regions, thanks to computational sociolinguistic methods. I discuss these results in light of recent theoretical research aiming at modelling social meaning and sociolinguistic variation in Construction Grammar, arguing that computational sociolinguistic approaches to dialect constructions such as double modals (see also Morin & Grieve 2024; Morin et al. fc.) constitute a fruitful avenue for the future of this cognitive linguistic framework.
Morin, Cameron & Jack Grieve. 2024. The semantics, sociolinguistics, and origins of double modals in American English: new insights from social media. PLOS One.
Morin, Cameron, Guillaume Desagulier & Jack Grieve. 2024In press. A social turn for Construction Grammar: double modals on British Twitter. English Language and Linguistics.
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