Lieu de réalisation
Hôtel de Lauzun - IEA de Paris 17, quai d'Anjou 75004 Paris France
Langues :
Anglais, Français
Dimitri GALITZINE (Réalisation), Elisabeth de PABLO (Réalisation), Eugène GOUSSET (Réalisation), FMSH-ESCoM (Production), Peter Stockinger (Intervention), Jean-Pierre Dozon (Intervention), Mala Singh (Intervention), Roland Waast (Intervention)
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Tous droits réservés.
DOI : 10.60527/1hww-4b43
Citer cette ressource :
Peter Stockinger, Jean-Pierre Dozon, Mala Singh, Roland Waast. FMSH. (2014, 9 décembre). Prix Charles et Monique Morazé 2014 - Mala SINGH , in Prix Morazé. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 7 décembre 2024)

Prix Charles et Monique Morazé 2014 - Mala SINGH

Réalisation : 9 décembre 2014 - Mise en ligne : 23 décembre 2014
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Le Prix Charles et Monique Morazé, remis par la Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme pour la deuxième fois, a été créé pour distinguer des travaux portant sur deux grands thèmes : éducation et société d’une part ; sciences et société d’autre part.

Le Prix 2014 est attribué à Madame Mala SINGH, professeur à la Rhodes University de Grahamstown, Afrique du Sud.

A l’occasion de la cérémonie de remise du Prix, le professeur Mala Singh a donné une conférence intitulée : "Re-thinking Knowledge and Social Change" - "Savoir et changement social : une relation à repenser".

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In 2014 Professor Mala SINGH was awarded The Prize Charles and Monique Morazé, established recently by the Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris, and granted in recognition of theinnovative work on the issues of Science and society on the one hand, Education and society on the other hand.

The Award Lecture is entitled "Re-thinking Knowledge and Social Change".



The 20th anniversary of formal democracy in South Africa in 2014 has stimulated a great deal of often-quantitative accounting of achievements and shortcomings in creating a better society. The post-apartheid social change agenda upheld an ambitious normative vision for democratic inclusion and social justice but produced an ambivalent yield of benefit and disillusionment. So many more houses built and yet so many people still live in shacks. So many more school leavers entering universities and yet the participation rates in higher education remain low. So many more citizens afforded social welfare benefits and yet large-scale poverty and its ravages remain largely undented. Progress beyond the formalities of constitutional democracy as the chosen form of government, towards the goals of social justice and social cohesion, accountable governance, tolerance for critique and dissent, and towards a more rationally and normatively planned polity remain more difficult to gauge.

The two-decade anniversary has evoked much debate and reflection on the ambitious social change agenda adopted in 1994 and on its implementation modalities and outcomes. In the face of ongoing systemic inability to improve the material conditions of life of the majority of the population as well as weaknesses in institutionalizing a democratic culture, questions have been posed about the need to re-think not only the chosen social policies and their accompanying implementation strategies but in some instances even the underlying legitimating vision and goals. Such reflections are taking place in government, in civic organizations, in the media and in the universities. There has, for instance, been a long-standing debate about the need to transform the universities and the research system in the direction of greater equity and social responsiveness. A recent initiative to re-dedicate collective research effort to address poverty and inequality in response to government’s National Development Plan has highlighted the question of the role of knowledge and modes of involvement of academics and researchers in the social change agenda in South Africa. In the same reflective vein of assessment about the direction and results of change currently evident in many social sectors, it may be useful to analyze how the relationship between knowledge (and its producers and institutions) and society (and its sources of power) has been constructed and with what benefits and challenges.  

In considering the unfolding social change agenda in South Africa and the intellectual engagement that sought to support it, this presentation attempts to track some of the evolving conceptions about knowledge for social change among social researchers, higher education and research institutions, and policymakers. What shifts and swings have there been in the patterns of intellectual engagement with state and non-state actors as addressees of socially useful knowledge and what lessons learned? Assuming that the notion of socially useful knowledge is already a kind of political and moral narrative, how has the tension between political engagement and scientific rigour been articulated and negotiated? And given the legacies of apartheid exclusion, are there significant changes and creative interventions to change the race, class and gender profiles of the producers and shapers of knowledge?

It is hoped that this kind of analysis could serve as a clearing ground for the task of re-imagining the possibilities for and recognizing the limits of producing knowledge for society and revisiting the terms of intellectual engagement in social change in South Africa in an environment made more complex by the demands of the knowledge economy and the reputational economy.


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