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DOI : 10.60527/aqh3-9d49
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LLF. (2021, 20 mai). Universal Anaphora and Dialogue Phenomena , in Dialogue, Memory and Emotion. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 15 septembre 2024)

Universal Anaphora and Dialogue Phenomena

Réalisation : 20 mai 2021 - Mise en ligne : 20 juin 2021
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The objective of the  Universal Anaphora initiative is to facilitate progress in the empirical study of anaphora by covering not just identity anaphora, but all aspects of anaphoric interpretation from identity of sense anaphora to bridging to discourse deixis in all languages and covering not just written language, but spoken dialogue as well. In fact, the first shared task associated with the initiative, the CODI/CRAC 2021 Shared Task, will be focused on dialogue. However, many of the characteristics of current anaphoric annotation schemes have been developed for written text, and there is very little anaphorically annotated dialogue corpora besides our own annotations of the Pear Stories and Trains corpora as part of ARRAU, and the situated dialogue corpora Tell-me-more and Cups (Dobnik, Kelleher & Howes, 2020). In this talk we will describe work currently underway as part of the organisation of the CODI/CRAC shared task and work on the extension of the ARRAU guidelines for situated dialogue. We will discuss some of the limitations of current annotation schemes while annotating new dialogue data, including the AMI, Light, Persuasion and Switchboard corpora; and situated dialogue, including the Tell-me-more and Cups corpora.

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