Langue :
Susanne Fuchs (Intervention)
Conditions d'utilisation
Droit commun de la propriété intellectuelle
DOI : 10.60527/jyyd-am03
Citer cette ressource :
Susanne Fuchs. LPP. (2019, 4 octobre). An embodied and situated perspective on speech and language- Labex EFL - Lecture 1: Changes and challenges in understanding speech variability: A review over half a century (Susanne Fuchs 2019) , in Chaire Internationale Labex EFL. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 16 septembre 2024)

An embodied and situated perspective on speech and language- Labex EFL - Lecture 1: Changes and challenges in understanding speech variability: A review over half a century (Susanne Fuchs 2019)

Réalisation : 4 octobre 2019 - Mise en ligne : 9 octobre 2019
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Over the last century, our understanding of variability in the speech signal has undergone a variety of changes. Once regarded as noise in the signal, it has now become a major topic of investigation revealing evidence for the underlying biological, cognitive and social factors of speech. In this overview talk, I will review theories and data discussing variability with respect to visible and audible biological factors as well as structures and mechanisms beneath the surface. Furthermore, I will review how our knowledge about variability and social factors has evolved from long-term adaptations between different social groups to short term adaptations regulating social behaviour. Finally, I will discuss how variability has been treated with respect to the nature of linguistic representation: from a phonemic level to a subphonemic one (fine phonetic detail), from abstract representations to enriched multisensory representations stored in the episodic memory. I will then summarize which challenges variability poses for theoretical models and empirical linguistics.


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