Langue :
Philippe KERGRAISSE (Réalisation), Direction de l'Audiovisuel de l'EHESS (Dir. Jean-Claude Penrad) (Production), Henri Berestycki (Intervention), Hiroshi Matano (Intervention)
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© Direction de l'Audiovisuel / EHESS / 2013
DOI : 10.60527/thd8-q541
Citer cette ressource :
Henri Berestycki, Hiroshi Matano. EHESS. (2013, 24 septembre). Hiroshi Matano : Spreading speed for some two-component reaction-diffusion system , in Premier atelier ERC « Reaction-Diffusion Equations, Propagations and Modelling ». [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 20 septembre 2024)

Hiroshi Matano : Spreading speed for some two-component reaction-diffusion system

Réalisation : 24 septembre 2013 - Mise en ligne : 19 novembre 2013
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Premier atelier de l'ERC « Reaction-Diffusion Equations, Propagations and Modelling »

Journées d'étude organisées par Henri Berestycki et Jean-Michel Roquejoffre

 EHESS, 24-25 septembre 2013

Séquence 1: Hiroshi Matano (University of Tokyo)

Spreading speed for some two-component reaction-diffusion systemIn this talk I will discuss the spreading properties of solutions of a prey-predator type reaction-diffusion system. This system belongs to the class of reaction-diffusion systems for which the comparison principle does not hold. For such class of systems, little has been know about the spreading properties of the solutions.  Here, by a spreading property, we mean the way the solution propagates when starting from compactly supported initial data. We show that propagation of both the prey and the predator occur with a definite spreading speed. Furthermore, quite intriguingly, the spreading speed of the prey and that of the predator are different in some


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