Lieu de réalisation
International Semiotics Institute-Imatra, FINLAND
Langue :
Camille BONNEMAZOU (Réalisation), Peter STOCKINGER (Réalisation), FMSH-ESCoM (Production), Henri Broms (Intervention), Henrik Gahmberg (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/fxrc-vt34
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Henri Broms, Henrik Gahmberg. FMSH. (2004, 6 juin). Semiotics and Management , in GAHMBERG Henrik. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. https://doi.org/10.60527/fxrc-vt34. (Consultée le 13 juin 2024)

Semiotics and Management

Réalisation : 6 juin 2004 - Mise en ligne : 25 novembre 2004
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Henrik GAHMBERG is Professor in the Department of Management and Organizations at the University of Vaasa, Finland.His researches are devoted to strategic management, organizational communication, narrative semiotics and leadership. Since several years he has been working on an Art and Aesthetics point of view in management.Henri BROMS is retired chief librarian of the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration and Professor Emeritus of Oriental Languages at the University of Helsinki.Now, he is working on the relationship between Organisations and Jam Seccions.

Bibliographie de Henri BROMS


Broms, Henri; Dunning, Peter M.; Norton, Bob.
(1989) BISSE: Business Information Sources and Services for Europe Helsinki, Finland and Great Britain: Helsinki School of Economics for the European Business Schools' Librarians' Group. (Book, Edited)

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik.
(1988) Planning As Self-Enhancement (Book Chapter in Organization, Communication: Emerging Perspectives II).

Broms, Henri; Kaufmann, Rebecca.
(1988) Semiotics of culture: Proceedings of the 25th Symposium of the Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics, Imatra, Finland, 27th-29th July, 1987 Helsinki, Finland: Arator. (Conference Proceedings)

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik.
(1987) Mythology In Organizations And Marketing (Book Chapter in Marketing And Semiotics - New Directions In The Study Of Signs For Sale).

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik; Kaufmann, Rebecca.
(1987) Semiotics of management Helsinki: Helsinki School of Economics. (Book)

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik.
(1986) La comunicazione con se stessi nelle organizzazzioni e nelle culture. (Book Chapter in Le Imprese Come Culture)

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik.
(1983) Communication to Self in Organizations and Cultures. (Journal Article in Administrative Science Quarterly [ASQ])

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik.
(1983) Communication to self in organizations and cultures. (Journal Article in Administrative Science Quarterly [ASQ])

Broms, Henri.
(1982) The Middle Eastern thinking as expressed in language and style Helsinki, Finland: Helsinki School of Economics. (Book)

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik.
(1982) Mythology in management culture Helsinki: Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulu. (Book)

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik.
(1982) Mythology in Management Culture Helsinki: Helsinki School of Economics Publications. (Book , Vol. D-58 in the series Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun Julkaisuja D-58)

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik.
(1981) The Mythology Of The Chrysler Crisis. (Journal Article in CODE)

Broms, Henri; Ruokonen, Kyllikki.
(1976) Sources of company information Helsinki: European Business School Librarians. (Book)

Broms, Henri; Ruokonen, Kyllikki.
(1975) Sources of company information Helsinki: Helsinki School of Economics. (Book)

Broms, Henri..
(1972) How does the Middle Eastern literary taste differ from the European? Helsinki: Societas Orientalis Fennica. (Book)


Bibliographie de Henrik GAHMBERG


2003 : Leadership Narrative
(Conference Paper presented at the EIASM Leadership Research Workshop, Said School of Business, Oxford University, Dec. 15-17, 2002).

2003 : The Semiosphere of Brand Constellations: Studying The Consumer Meaning Space.
(Conference Paper presented at the Managing Symbolic-Intensive Organizations, University of Bocconi, Milan, Italy, September 12 to 14, 2003).

2003 : The Company Soul. The Case of the Finnish Post Office.
(Conference Paper presented at the EIASM workshop on Aesthetics, Art, and Management, Gattieres, France, July 20 to 23, 2003).

2003 : On The Narrative Magic of Leadership.
(Conference Paper presented at the The 17th Nordic Conference of Business Studies, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 14 to 16, 2003).

Gahmberg, Henrik; Nixon, Bill; Wingren, Tom; Laitinen, Erkki.
2003 : In Search of Latent Value Drivers In Performance Activities. An Empirical Analysis
(Conference Paper presented at the 2nd Conference on Performance Measurement and Management, Nice, France September 18 to19, 2003).

2002 : Emotions in Leadership Texts - A Semio-Narrative Perspective
(Book Chapter in Valami Más - Beiträge des Finnnisch-Ungarischen Kultursemiotischen Symposiums).

Gahmberg, Henrik; Alapiha, Satu.
2002 : Cross-Cultural Cooperation. Attitudes and Experiences - A Survey.
(Report in the series Proceedings of the University of Vaasa, Research reports).

Gahmberg, Henrik; Routamaa, Vilma-Lotta.
1999 : he Impact of National Cultures on Cross-Cultural Teamwork
(Report in the series Proceedings of the University of Vaasa, Research reports).

19996 : Johtaja - ihminen - kulttuuri
(Report in the series Proceedings of the University of Vaasa, Reports).

1991 : Strategy As Signification Of Meaning
(Book Chapter in Arenas Of Strategic Thinking).

1989 : Metaphor Management - On The Semiotics Of Strategic Leadership
(Book Chapter in Organizational Symbolism).

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik.
1988 : Planning As Self-Enhancement
(Book Chapter in Organization _ Communication: Emerging Perspectives II).

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik.
1987 : Mythology In Organizations And Marketing
(Book Chapter in Marketing And Semiotics - New Directions In The Study Of Signs For Sale )

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik; Kaufmann, Rebecca.
1987 : Semiotics of management
Helsinki School of Economics.

1987 : Semiotic Tools For The Study Of Organizational Cultures (Book Chapter in The Semiotic Web '86).

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik.
1986 : La comunicazione con se stessi nelle organizzazzioni e nelle culture
(Book Chapter in Le Imprese Come Culture).

1986 : Symbols And Values Of Strategic Managers - A Semiotic Approach Helsinki: Helsinki School of Economics.
(Book , Vol. A:47 in the series Acta Academiae Oeconomicae Helsingiensis).

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik.
1983 : Communication to Self in Organizations and Cultures
(Journal Article in Administrative Science Quarterly [ASQ]).

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik.
1983 : Communication to self in organizations and cultures
(Journal Article in Administrative Science Quarterly [ASQ]).

1983 : On Underlying Values And Intuition In Strategic Decisions (Journal Article in International Studies Of Management And Organization).

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik.
Mythology in management culture
(Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulu).

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik.
1982 : Mythology in Management Culture Helsinki: Helsinki School of Economics Publications.
(Book , Vol. D-58 in the series Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun Julkaisuja D-58).

Broms, Henri; Gahmberg, Henrik.
1981 : The Mythology Of The Chrysler Crisis (Journal Article in CODE).

1980 : Contact Patterns And Learning In Organizations
(Book , Vol. B-48 in the series Helsinki School of Economics Publications).


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