Langue :
Philippe KERGRAISSE (Réalisation), Li Edelkoort (Intervention), Simone Faresin (Intervention), Andrea Trimarchi (Intervention), Juliette Pollet (Intervention)
Conditions d'utilisation
DOI : 10.60527/hgzy-t050
Citer cette ressource :
Li Edelkoort, Simone Faresin, Andrea Trimarchi, Juliette Pollet. INHA. (2015, 29 mai). Art déco : un entretien entre Lidewij Edelkoort et le Studio Formafantasma , in Edition 20 15 - Matière de l'oeuvre / les Pays-Bas. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 19 septembre 2024)

Art déco : un entretien entre Lidewij Edelkoort et le Studio Formafantasma

Réalisation : 29 mai 2015 - Mise en ligne : 27 août 2015
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Andrea Trimarchi (1983) and Simone Faresin (1980) are Studio FormaFantasma – two Italians designers based in Amsterdam. Their work explores such issues as the role of design in folk craft, the relationship between tradition and local culture, critical approaches to sustainability and the significance of objets as cultural conduits. Trend Forecaster and curator Li Edelkoort is an attentive observer of the emerging revival of crafts in society and design.The talk will mainly deal with this issue and will enhance the peculiar creative process of the studio and the way their body of work is revealing an new decorative direction, a « faint echo of the Art Deco movement ».The talk will also echo recent acquisitions of Studio Formafantasma’s works by the CNAP and the show curated by Li Edelkoort at la Gaîte lyrique (Paris, April 3- August 8 2015) presenting her insight into the design Collection of this institution.


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