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Pablo Larraín (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/nrnm-6j63
Citer cette ressource :
Pablo Larraín. CNRS_Pouchet. (2015, 5 novembre). “Beneficial JI” - Short talk 2.2: Julien Laroche - Being together when time is improvised: interactive coordination in pedagogical improvisations , in Joint Improvisation Meeting (JIM) 2015. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 20 septembre 2024)

“Beneficial JI” - Short talk 2.2: Julien Laroche - Being together when time is improvised: interactive coordination in pedagogical improvisations

Réalisation : 5 novembre 2015 - Mise en ligne : 25 janvier 2016
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Improvising music toghether involves coping in realtimewith unprecedented patterns of behavior of another. The goal is to achieve and share a meaningful coperformance,and this is done by interacting.Therefore, processes underlying improvisation cannot be fully grasped by musical analysis only. Behavioralpatterns and collective dynamics that underlie joint improvisation encourage the scientific study of thecoperformanceitself. This is important to understand how improvisers can coordinate their behavior together in a meaningful fashion. However, improvising is first and foremost a practice that requires learning,experience and expertise. Objective measurements aren’t sufficient : integrating the phenomenologicalpoint of view of the improviser is also necessary. For this reason, we work as a dyad of researchers: acognitive scientist, and a professor of pedagogy who makes use of improvisation to foster learning. We thentrack interactive processes underlying joint improvisation during their very learning by novices and with theguidance of an expert. In this talk, we describe our pedagogical method of interactive improvisation (theKaddouch pedagogy) and its underlying system of thought. We present our system of qualitative analyses ofmusical interactionsand frame our observations during lessons in a dynamical, enactive framework. Then, we show how wecapture interaction processes by quantitative and dynamical analysis. More specifically, we are currentlyinterested in the coordination of tempo fluctuations during performance. On the basis of our concepts,observations and results, we discuss the role of the process of interaction as a source of coordinationbetween improvisers’ behavior.


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