“Beneficial JI” - Short talk 2.1: Neta Spiro - Joint improvisation in music therapy: characterising interaction in individual sessionswith children with autism spectrum disorders
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Some types of music therapy, such as Nordoff Robbins, involve improvisation by the client and therapist andthe relationship between the participants’ music making is prioritised. Some children with a diagnosis ofautism who attend these kinds of music therapy sessions often have difficulties speaking and can bereferred for a range of reasons (including difficulties in communication). What does improvisation look like inthis context? Does it differ between sessions and if so how? Can charting what improvisation in the sessionslooks like help assess changes in the client and/or the relationship between the participants? Studies ofmusic therapy sessions often analyse short moments. This focus makes it difficult to understand the contextof results and assess what the moments are representative of. In this study of case examples we annotate accordingto an annotation protocol videosof complete music therapysessions of 4 clienttherapistpairs. Each pair has two videos: one early and one late in the series ofsessions. Characteristics annotated include: where players are facing, whether they are making sounds, andthe sounds’ pulse characteristics. A range of patterns for each of these parameters was identified fordifferent clienttherapistpairs. This exploration of the types of possible patterns and relationships in musictherapy sessions helps to characterise, at a general level, what happens in sessions; provide a context formoments that might be analysed in more detail; and identify what differs between players and their sharedcharacteristics both across pairs and between pairs of sessions.
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