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DOI : 10.60527/2c0g-hr60
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LESTUDIUM. (2021, 16 septembre). Paweł Fiktus - Comments by Prof. Gustaw Roszkowski on the changes in public international law , in Law(s) and International relations : actors, institutions and comparative legislations. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 20 septembre 2024)

Paweł Fiktus - Comments by Prof. Gustaw Roszkowski on the changes in public international law

Réalisation : 16 septembre 2021 - Mise en ligne : 29 septembre 2021
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The presentedtopic refers to the first point and will concern one of the leading butsomewhat forgotten lawyer – Gustaw Roszkowski associated with the University ofLviv. In addition to his scientific activities in Galicia, he was associatedwith the Institute of International Law in Brussels. In his scientific work,Roszkowski repeatedly commented on changes in international law. An example ishis work from 1887 on the Geneva Convention (which was the subject of a polemicwith Prof. Franciszek Kasparek, another Polish expert on public internationallaw). Other works that emerged as a result of the changes occurring in theworld at the time include On the Oxford Draft Law of War of 1887, On the 14thPeace Congress of 1905 – published in 1906, On the Codification ofInternational Law of 1882 and The Right to Overhead Navigation of 1912. It isworth noting that Prof. Roszkowski also referred in his scientific work tointernational affairs of Austria-Hungary, such as On the most recent Treatiesof the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy with Belgium and the Netherlands of 1880 and1881 on extradition of criminals of 1882.  Other works relating to theevents of the time in the international field include On Midhat Pasha's case of1881.


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