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DOI : 10.60527/zaa6-qw96
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LESTUDIUM. (2021, 17 septembre). Florenz Volkaert - The First Generation of International Economic Lawyers? Juridification and Professionalization in International Economic Diplomacy: A Prosopography and Discourse Network Analysis (1850-1914) , in Law(s) and International relations : actors, institutions and comparative legislations. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 27 juillet 2024)

Florenz Volkaert - The First Generation of International Economic Lawyers? Juridification and Professionalization in International Economic Diplomacy: A Prosopography and Discourse Network Analysis (1850-1914)

Réalisation : 17 septembre 2021 - Mise en ligne : 29 septembre 2021
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Contemporary international economic law isconsidered an autonomous subdiscipline of international law administered by anepistemic community of international lawyers and economists, separate frompublic international law. In stark contrast to today, the 19th century jurists,diplomats and laymen involved in the creation of norms to regulate interstateeconomic relations did not perceive themselves as practicing a field distinctfrom public international law. The existing body of FTAs was not considered a branchseparate from public international law. Neither was there a developedprofession of international economic lawyers. Nevertheless, despite there beingno specialist legal profession for international economic relations,international lawyers occasionally touched upon it in public international lawtreatises. Only around 1900, the first specialized academic writings oninternational economic relations start to appear. In this paper, I provide anoverview of the legal arguments produced by public international lawyers duringthe period +-1870-1914, supported by prosopography and discourse networkanalysis, to uncover educational and intellectual backgrounds as well asacademic and interpersonal entanglements. As such, the paper considers theinternal development of international law doctrine, reflecting on thejuridification of international economic relations and professionalization ofthis particular subfield of international law.


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