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Nathalie MICHAUD (Réalisation), Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès-campus Mirail (Production), SCPAM / Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès-campus Mirail (Publication), Giulia Nicatore (Intervention)
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Tous droits réservés à l'Université Jean-Jaurès et aux auteurs.
DOI : 10.60527/gr0f-cj06
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Giulia Nicatore. UT2J. (2021, 8 mars). A transdisciplinary approach to reconstruct the Nilotic socio-ecosystem in Luxor west bank during the Ptolemaic period (3rd-1st centuries BC.) / Giulia Nicatore , in 1st Conference for Women Archaeologists and Paleontologists. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 6 octobre 2024)

A transdisciplinary approach to reconstruct the Nilotic socio-ecosystem in Luxor west bank during the Ptolemaic period (3rd-1st centuries BC.) / Giulia Nicatore

Réalisation : 8 mars 2021 - Mise en ligne : 8 mars 2021
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A transdisciplinary approach to reconstruct the Nilotic socio-ecosystem in Luxor west bank during the Ptolemaic period (3rd-1st centuries BC.) / Giulia Nicatore, in colloque "1st Virtual Conference for Women Archaeologists and Paleontologists. Nouveaux apports à l’étude des populations et environnements passés" organisé par le laboratoire Travaux et Recherches Archéologiques sur les Cultures, les Espaces et les Sociétés (TRACES) de l’Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès et le laboratoire Paléontologie Évolution Paléoécosystèmes (PALEVOPRIM) de l'Université de Poitiers, sous la responsabilité scientifique de Julie Bachellerie, Ana Belén Galán López (Traces), Émilie Berlioz et Margot Louail (Palevoprim). Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès, 8-9 mars 2021. Session 2 : Occupation of territories and population mobility.

During all its periods, Egyptian society has maintained a privileged relationship with the Nile: the location of housing, and temples has been dictated by the river's course andagricultural land has benefited from the Nile's floods. The understanding of the management of alluvial areas is mainly based on the analysis of the results of archaeological excavations or epigraphic data; geomorphological analyses to reconstruct the fluvial environment of the Nile are still few and often disconnected from the archaeological problems. The aim of this research is the reconstruction of the Nilotic socio-ecosystem of a part of Luxor west bank (called since antiquity "Memnoneia") during the Ptolemaic period (3rd-1st centuries BC.) using a new transdisciplinary approach. This latter combines digital cartography, papyrological analysis and fluvial geomorphology. In this perspective, a selection of sources related to the study area has been identified in order to better understand the fluvial environment and the microtopography of this alluvial plain.


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