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Nathalie MICHAUD (Réalisation), Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès-campus Mirail (Production), SCPAM / Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès-campus Mirail (Publication), Laëtitia Demay (Intervention)
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Tous droits réservés à l'Université Jean-Jaurès et aux auteurs.
DOI : 10.60527/rcvr-9612
Citer cette ressource :
Laëtitia Demay. UT2J. (2021, 8 mars). Study of human group behaviors during the Last Glacial Maximum in the east Carpathian area from zooarchaeological remains / Laëticia Demay , in 1st Conference for Women Archaeologists and Paleontologists. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 2 décembre 2024)

Study of human group behaviors during the Last Glacial Maximum in the east Carpathian area from zooarchaeological remains / Laëticia Demay

Réalisation : 8 mars 2021 - Mise en ligne : 8 mars 2021
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Study of human group behaviors during the Last Glacial Maximum in the east Carpathian area from zooarchaeological remains / Laëticia Demay, in colloque "1st Virtual Conference for Women Archaeologists and Paleontologists. Nouveaux apports à l’étude des populations et environnements passés" organisé par le laboratoire Travaux et Recherches Archéologiques sur les Cultures, les Espaces et les Sociétés (TRACES) de l’Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès et le laboratoire Paléontologie Évolution Paléoécosystèmes (PALEVOPRIM) de l'Université de Poitiers, sous la responsabilité scientifique de Julie Bachellerie, Ana Belén Galán López (Traces), Émilie Berlioz et Margot Louail (Palevoprim). Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, 8-9 mars 2021.
Session 2 : Occupation of territories and population mobility.
[Conférence enregistrée en distanciel].

The east Carpathian area, which covers part of Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Romania, is a key region for the movements of palaeolithic human populations, between Eastern and Central Europe. We are particularly interested by the Last Glacial Maximum period which also corresponds to the transition between Gravettian and Epigravettian technocomplexes. Our aim is to better understand the modalities of adaptation of human groups to the climatic and landscapes modifications and the development and interconnections of techno-cultural particuliarities. The site of Doroshivtsy III furnishedimportant data permitting to highlight typical regional behaviors known beforeand after the Last Glacial Maximum peak, with reoccupations of the samelocation by small human groups, linked to local flint deposit and activitiesoriented on reindeer hunting, but also with the apparition of new practices inboneous industry and art. Further south, several contemporaneous archaeologicalsites are characterized by quite similar peculiarities but some of them bydifferent faunal spectrum and lithic industries. We purpose a synthesis aboutthe main archaeological sites of the region and we also rely on material fromnew archaeological excavations and older collections coming from Valea Morilor,Climǎuţi II, Bistricioara-Lutǎrie 3 and Rașcov VIII to complete data by zooarchaeological approach. Our goal is to better determine the taphonomic conditions, the status of the different species in human ways of life, the modalities of acquisition and use of animal resources, the hunting and butchering strategies and the modalities of carcass transporting, the seasons of occupation and the mobility strategies of human populations.


ANGHELINU, Mircea, HÄNDEL, Marc, NIȚĂ, Loredana, DEMAY, Laëtitia et al. (2021). From Gravettian to Epigravettian in the eastern Carpathians: insights from the Bistricioara-Lutărie III archaeological site, Quaternary International,  vol. 587, 210-229. [En ligne :].

DEMAY, Laëtitia, PATOU-MATHIS, Marylène, KHLOPACHEV, Gennadyi A. et al. (2019). L’exploitation de la faune par les groupes humains du Pléniglaciaire supérieur à Eliseevichi 1 (Russie), L'anthropologie, 2, vol. 123, 345-402. [En ligne :].

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