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FMSH, 190 Avenue de France, 75013 Paris, France
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Dimitri GALITZINE (Réalisation), Neli DOBREVA (Réalisation), Elisabeth de PABLO (Réalisation), FMSH-ESCoM (Production), Neli Dobreva (Intervention), Christopher Hill (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/2byk-6303
Citer cette ressource :
Neli Dobreva, Christopher Hill. FMSH. (2015, 12 mars). The Changing Nature of Society and its International Relations Implication , in DOBREVA Neli. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. https://doi.org/10.60527/2byk-6303. (Consultée le 4 décembre 2024)

The Changing Nature of Society and its International Relations Implication

Réalisation : 12 mars 2015 - Mise en ligne : 27 septembre 2015
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Within this interview Christopher HILL goes back to his scientific background in History: a very personal reason to study the origins of World War II (WWII). The main problem he is revealing is the question: “What was the “decision making” process to enter the WWII?”. Hill is approaching then the Political science as new, detached view, of History analysis. His entrance into London School of Economics(LSE) in 1970s in the Department of International Relations marks an introduction of Hill's special teaching area: Foreign Policy and analysis. The lifetime experience of Hill shows the example of a challenging relationship between a PhD supervisor and a PhD student. 

Digging in his research experience, Hill is treating the geographical and cultural ranges as embedded into the society through the Political subject. In the same line of thoughts and under the influence of Roberts, Hill is seeking to understand how the international relations politics affects ordinary people's life, especially trough the example of the War. He is analysing the case of the post-Cold war period imposing the idea of the end of the nation-state and the frenzy of the Globalisation. 

However, according to Hill, one could not and should not ignore the role of the State. He defends the idea that the job of the intellectuals and the social scientists is to analyse the relation between continuity and change. And Hill observes that process in the relationship between the member-states and the European Union. He is pursuing his analysis through the observation on "How international politics affects domestic life?" applied on contemporary London and assumes that the changing nature of society has international relations implication. 

Two anecdotes of the end of the interview are witnessing the great outcome of the career of Christopher Hill: the first one is about loosing innocence. The second: a story about the Cold War.

Christopher Hill is a Sir Patrick Sheehy Professor of International Relations, Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS), University of Cambridge, UK and a Fellow of Sidney Sussex College.

His publications are in the areas of foreign policy analysis and general International. Most recent of them being: 

- The Art of Attraction: Soft Power and the UK’s Role in the World(with Sarah Beadle), British Academy, 2014 
- The National Interest in Question: Foreign Policy in Multicultural Societies, OUP 2013 
- National and European Foreign Policies, edited with Reuben Wong, Routledge 2011 
- The European Union in International Relations, edited with Michael Smith, 2nd edition 2011 

More Info: http://www.polis.cam.ac.uk/ 


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