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Université de Bordeaux - Service Audiovisuel et Multimédia (Publication), Université de Bordeaux - Service Audiovisuel et Multimédia (Réalisation), Université de Bordeaux (Production), Catherine BENNETAU (Organisation de l'évènement), Alain Badoc (Intervention)
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Creative Commons (BY NC)
DOI : 10.60527/jtta-k317
Citer cette ressource :
Alain Badoc. Univ Bordeaux. (2017, 25 septembre). Asteraceae. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 10 décembre 2024)


Réalisation : 25 septembre 2017 - Mise en ligne : 12 décembre 2019
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Asteraceae is the largest family of dicotyledonous plants: this family includes more than1600 genders and 23 500 species from all over the world, including more than 500 in France.
The port is very variable. In the largest gender, Senecio (1300 species), we find herbaceous plants, annual or perennial, shrubs, vines, cactiform plants.


Asteraceae are also called Composites, because what is usually called a flower in these species (daisy, chamomile, knapweed, dandelion, gerbera, artichoke...), is actually a capitulum composed of many smaller flowers, up to a thousand in a  sunflower capitulum. Flowers of the flower heads can be ligulated (dandelion,chicory, endive), tubular (blueberry, knapweed) or both (chrysanthemum, dahlia,zinnia)

The Asteraceae family is the most important for the number of plants of healthvalue, due to its richness in species and the large number of chemical substances it can produce (inulin, polyacetylenic compounds, sesquiterpenic lactones).

Thus, Matricaria or German Chamomile, Matricariachamomilla, one of the medicinal Chamomile, is used in digestive problems.
The leaves of Macau Artichoke, gender Cynara, are cholagogues (facilitating the evacuation of bile) and diuretics.
The annual wormwood, Artemisia annua,has antimalarial properties.

The film was shot at the Talence Botanical Garden, which is part of the University of Bordeaux.





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