“Quantifying JI” Short talk 1.2: Tommi Himberg - Mirroring improvised hand movements in a dyad
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We studied coordination and movement kinematics in a mirror game. 32 participants (18 f, 14 m; mean age25.2 years, range 19–37) performed circledrawing and freely improvised hand movement mirroring tasks indyads. The participants were standing facetoface, right index fingers pointed at each other, fingertips10–15 cm apart. In turn, one of the participantswas appointed the leader, or the dyad was instructed to share leadership. Hand movements were recordedusing an optical motion capture system. Joint leadership resulted in smoother performances than theleader–follower condition; the follower participant would often hesitate or correct their movements, resultingin oscillatory 2–3 Hz jitter. In joint leadership tasks this jitter was 23% lower than in followers (p < 0.01). Thiscorresponds with the “coconfidentmotion” observed in joint leadership mirror task by Noy et al. (2011). In leaderfollower tasks the followertrailed the leader by approximately 0.3 seconds. Joint leadership trials resulted in mutual adaptation, withboth participants “following” each other at similar lags. Windowed analysis revealed that the direction of thelag varied at subsecond intervals. Hand movements were faster in circle drawing than in free improvisation,but there were no velocity differencesbetween the leadership conditions. These findings imply that dyads that share leadership perform smoothermovements and exhibit stronger mutual adaptation than dyads where one participant is externally assignedas the leader. Our study on coordination of threedimensional movements extends the scope of previousdyadic interaction studies that used rhythmic tapping and 1D movements.
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