Studying Teachers’ documentation work: emergence of a theoretical approach
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The documentational approach to didacticsis a recent theory –less than ten years old. In this conference I willlook back at the process of development of this approach. I will recall theinitial context, motivating the elaboration of a specific frame for studying teachers’ documentationwork. Several kinds of evolutions will be emphasized: theoretical,methodological, but also evolutions of the questions studied in the researchworks referring to the documentational approach. I will conclude by evidencingthe perspectives for future research and further evolutions.
Adler, J. (2000).Conceptualising resources as a theme for teacher education, Journal ofMathematics Teacher Education, 3, 205–224.Guin D., Ruthven K., & Trouche, L. (Eds.). (2005). The didacticalchallenge of symbolic calculators: turning a computational device into amathematical instrument. New York: Springer.
Gueudet, G., Pepin, B., &Trouche, L. (Eds.). (2012). From text to ‘lived’ resources:Mathematics curriculum materials and teacher development. NewYork: Springer.
Gueudet, G., Pepin, B., &Trouche, L. (2013). Collective work with resources: an essential dimension forteacher documentation. ZDM, The International Journal on MathematicsEducation, 45(7), 1003- 1016.
Gueudet, G., Trouche, L.(2009). Towards new documentation systems for mathematics teachers? EducationalStudies in Mathematics, 71, 199-218.
Pédauque, R. T. (coll.) (2006). Le document à la lumière dunumérique. Caen : C & F éditions.
Rabardel, P. (2002/1995). People and technology, a cognitiveapproach to contemporary instruments/Les hommes et les technologies:Approche cognitive des instruments contemporains. Paris:Armand Colin, Retreived at
Remillard, J.T. (2005). Examining key concepts in research on teachers'use of mathematics curricula. Review of Educational Research, 75(2),211-246.
L’étude du travail documentaire des professeurs: émergence d’une approche théorique
L’élaborationdu cadre théorique de l’approche documentaire du didactique a débuté récemment,il y a une dizaine d’années. Dans cette conférence nous reviendrons sur cetteémergence. Nous rappellerons le contexte initial qui a motivé le développementd’une théorie spécifique pour l’étude du travail documentaire des professeurs.Nous nous attacherons à mettre en évidence les évolutions des principalespropositions conceptuelles et méthodologiques, ainsi que des questions étudiéesdans les recherches se référant à cette approche. Ce regard sur les évolutionspassées de l’approche documentaire nous permettra de mettre en évidence lesperspectives ouvertes actuellement.
Adler, J. (2000).Conceptualising resources as a theme for teacher education, Journal ofMathematics Teacher Education, 3, 205–224.Guin D., Ruthven K., & Trouche, L. (Eds.). (2005). The didacticalchallenge of symbolic calculators: turning a computational device into amathematical instrument. New York: Springer.
Gueudet, G., Pepin, B., &Trouche, L. (Eds.). (2012). From text to ‘lived’ resources:Mathematics curriculum materials and teacher development. NewYork: Springer.
Gueudet, G., Pepin, B., &Trouche, L. (2013). Collective work with resources: an essential dimension forteacher documentation. ZDM, The International Journal on MathematicsEducation, 45(7), 1003- 1016.
Gueudet, G., Trouche, L.(2009). Towards new documentation systems for mathematics teachers? Educational Studies inMathematics71, 199-218.
Pédauque, R. T. (coll.) (2006). Le document à la lumière dunumérique. Caen : C & F éditions.
Rabardel, P. (2002/1995). People and technology, a cognitive approachto contemporary instruments/Les hommes et les technologies: Approchecognitive des instruments contemporains. Paris:Armand Colin, Retreived at
Remillard, J.T. (2005).Examining key concepts in research on teachers' use of mathematics curricula.Review of Educational Research, 75(2),211-246.
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