International Conference Re(s)sources 2018
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![1. Reaction to conference: Gazing from the outside
2. A young researcher’s perspective as a starting point for a deeper reflection about this Conference](
1. Reaction to conference: Gazing from the outside 2. A young researcher’s perspective as a start…
1. Réaction à la conférence : un regard de l’extérieur 2. Réaction d’une jeune chercheuse comme point de départ d’une réflexion approfondie sur la conférence
Evidencing the missing resources of the documentational approach to didactics, towards new programs…
The development of a theoretical approach creates necessarily new needs, conceptual as well as methodological: when meeting new phenomena; when extending the study outside its initial field (in this
Mathematics Teachers as Designers
The goal of the panel discussion is to develop deeper understandings of the processes involved when teachers act as designers
Teachers collective work inside and outside school as an essential spring of mathematics teachers' …
In this lecture, we try to show how teachers’ collective work promotes documentational works on the resources including teaching material, lesson plan, textbooks, etc. for developing, communicating,
Reflecting on a theoretical approach from a networking perspective: the case of the documentational…
One decade ago, the documentational approach to didactics (Gueudet, Pepin, and Trouche, 2012) was just emerging.
Teachers’ Use of Mathematics Resources: A Look across Cultural Boundaries
Curriculum resources are adopted in school systems around the world, often, to promote curricular coherence or reform (Pepin and Haggarty, 2001; Valverde et al., 2012).
How did mathematics teachers work four thousand years ago? Curricula and syllabuses in Mesopotamia
Surprising as it may seem, education in Mesopotamia is remarkably well documented. The reason for this abundance of sources is the nature of the writing support that was used in the Ancient
Studying Teachers’ documentation work: emergence of a theoretical approach
The documentational approach to didactics is a recent theory –less than ten years old.
The construct of 'resource system' as an analytic tool in understanding the work of teaching
Euclid's ingenious organization of mathematical material from different sources to form the Elements created a systematic text which served as a base for the study and teaching of mathematics for
Opening Ceremony
The theme of the Re(s)sources 2018 international conference is‘teachers interacting with resources’which will be discussed in seven plenary lectures, a plenary panel and four Working Groups. The
Intervenants et intervenantes
Chercheuse à l'Université de Paraiba, Brésil (2018)
Professeur de mathématiques à l'université de Rochester au sein de la Warner School of education (2018)
En poste à l'université de Montpellier 2, Équipe des études et recherches sur l'enseignement scientifique (en 1996). Professeur en didactique des mathématiques, dirige l'équipe Education, TIC et enseignement à l'INRP (en 2010)
Professeure, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Pays-Bas. Membre du jury d'une thèse en Didactique des sciences soutenue à l'Université de Lyon en 2016
Mathématicienne française spécialisée en didactique
Membre du Laboratoire de didactique André Revuz (EA 4434) et professeure des universités émérite à l'Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (en 2018)
Auteure d'une thèse en didactique des mathématiques à l'Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 en 1984
Titulaire d'un doctorat de l'Université Joseph Fourier de Grenoble, spécialité "Didactique des mathématiques"
En poste à la School of Education Science de l'East China Normal University, Shanghai, Chine (en 2014)
Mathématicienne.Lematec - Edumatec, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil (en 2018)