1.6. GC and AT contents of DNA sequence
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We have designed our first algorithmfor counting nucleotides. Remember, what we have writtenin pseudo code is first declaration of variables. We have several integer variables that are variables which cantake as a value an integer. One, two, three minus five and so on. We have the sequence of characters we want to interpret, declare as a character string oflengths and define. Then we have the initializationof our different variables. This symbol is a symbol for assignment, it means that zero becomes the value of total nb, nbT and soon and so on and here we say: index takes the value one. It means that we position at the beginning of the sequence and what we do is that we repeat allthese blocks of operation for the first position, the second position, the third and so on, so on, until the end of the sequence. And for each position we take the current corrector, here, A for example and we look if itis an A, a C, a G, a T and we increment, we increase by one,the corresponding counter. OK, at the same time we increasethe total number of characters by one and we add one to theindex so that we come from this position to this position.
Dans la même collection
1.7. DNA walk
RechenmannFrançoisWe will now design a more graphical algorithm which is called "the DNA walk". We shall see what does it mean "DNA walk". Walk on to DNA. Something like that, yes. But first, just have a look again at
1.1. The cell, atom of the living world
RechenmannFrançoisWelcome to this introduction to bioinformatics. We will speak of genomes and algorithms. More specifically, we will see how genetic information can be analysed by algorithms. In these five weeks to
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1.4. What is an algorithm?
RechenmannFrançoisWe have seen that a genomic textcan be indeed a very long sequence of characters. And to interpret this sequence of characters, we will need to use computers. Using computers means writing program.
1.8. Compressing the DNA walk
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1.2. At the heart of the cell: the DNA macromolecule
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1.5. Counting nucleotides
RechenmannFrançoisIn this session, don't panic. We will design our first algorithm. This algorithm is forcounting nucleotides. The idea here is that as an input,you have a sequence of nucleotides, of bases, of letters,
1.9. Predicting the origin of DNA replication?
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1.3. DNA codes for genetic information
RechenmannFrançoisRemember at the heart of any cell,there is this very long molecule which is called a macromolecule for this reason, which is the DNA molecule. Now we will see that DNA molecules support what is called
Avec les mêmes intervenants et intervenantes
1.2. At the heart of the cell: the DNA macromolecule
RechenmannFrançoisDuring the last session, we saw how at the heart of the cell there's DNA in the nucleus, sometimes of cells, or directly in the cytoplasm of the bacteria. The DNA is what we call a macromolecule, that
2.1. The sequence as a model of DNA
RechenmannFrançoisWelcome back to our course on genomes and algorithms that is a computer analysis ofgenetic information. Last week we introduced the very basic concept in biology that is cell, DNA, genome, genes
2.9. Whole genome sequencing
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3.7. Index and suffix trees
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4.4. Aligning sequences is an optimization problem
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5.2. The tree, an abstract object
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1.5. Counting nucleotides
RechenmannFrançoisIn this session, don't panic. We will design our first algorithm. This algorithm is forcounting nucleotides. The idea here is that as an input,you have a sequence of nucleotides, of bases, of letters,
2.5. Implementing the genetic code
RechenmannFrançoisRemember we were designing our translation algorithm and since we are a bit lazy, we decided to make the hypothesis that there was the adequate function forimplementing the genetic code. It's now time
3.2. A simple algorithm for gene prediction
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3.10. Gene prediction in eukaryotic genomes
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4.8. A recursive algorithm
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5.6. The diversity of bioinformatics algorithms
RechenmannFrançoisIn this course, we have seen a very little set of bioinformatic algorithms. There exist numerous various algorithms in bioinformatics which deal with a large span of classes of problems. For example,