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Université Toulouse II-Le Mirail SCPAM (Publication), Université Toulouse II-Le Mirail (Production), Bruno BASTARD (Réalisation), Elisabeth Brügl (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/r5hr-cy14
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Elisabeth Brügl. UT2J. (2012, 22 mai). Economic Liberalization and the Transformation of Masculine Rule in German Agriculture / Elisabeth Brügl , in Genre et agriculture familiale paysanne : regards Nord-Sud. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 7 septembre 2024)

Economic Liberalization and the Transformation of Masculine Rule in German Agriculture / Elisabeth Brügl

Réalisation : 22 mai 2012 - Mise en ligne : 11 février 2013
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Economic Liberalization and the Transformation of Masculine Rule in German Agriculture / Elisabeth Brügl. In colloque « Genre et agriculture familiale paysanne. Regards Nord-Sud. Débats entre mondes académique, du développement et de la formation », organisé par le Laboratoire Dynamiques Rurales (Université Toulouse II), l’École Nationale de Formation Agronomique (ENFA) de Toulouse-Auzeville, le laboratoire Environnement, Ville, Société de l'Université de Lyon 3 et l'Association Genre en Action. Université Toulouse II-Le Mirail, 22-24 mai 2012.

After the end of the Second World War, German farming was a feminine activity as women accounted for 53 to 54 percent of the total agricultural labor force. By the beginning of the 1990s this proportion had shrunk to less than 37 percent, in other words a reduction of more than 30 percent. While women were the majority of the agricultural labor force throughout the 1950s, they made up only a little more than a third by the 1990s. In the German Democratic Republic, women accounted for about 40 percent of those employed in agriculture. Immediately in the aftermath of German unification in 1991, only 25 percent of women employed in agriculture during GDR times still had jobs. Or, to put Elisabeth Prügl, [Gender Orders in German Agriculture : From the Patriarchal Welfare State to Liberal Environmentalism. Sociologia Ruralis 4, vol. 44, 2004] this differently, 75 percent lost their jobs. (This compares to about 65 percent of men.) Today women make up only about a third of the agricultural workforce in the former East. Between 1995 and 2007 the proportion of female family labor contributed to agricultural work in Germany has increased by two percent, with increases particularly pronounced on very big and very small farms.


Elisabeth Prügl, Transforming Masculine Rule: Agriculture and Rural Development in the European Union, University of Michigan Press, 2011, 181 p.

Elisabeth Prügl, Feminism and the Postmodern State: Gender Mainstreaming in European Rural Development, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 2 vol. 32, Winter 2010, pp. 447-475.

Elisabeth Prügl, Does Gender Mainstreaming Work? Feminist Engagements with the German Agricultural State, International Feminist Journal of Politics 2, vol. 11, May 2009, pp. 174-195.

Elisabeth Prügl, Gender Orders in German Agriculture : From the Patriarchal Welfare State to Liberal Environmentalism, Sociologia Ruralis 4, vol. 44, October 2004, pp. 349–372.

> Voir aussi la bibliographie générale de colloque dans l'onglet "Documents" de la séquence vidéo d'ouverture du colloque.

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