Vidéo pédagogique
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Langue :
François Rechenmann (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/xa28-xd58
Citer cette ressource :
François Rechenmann. Inria. (2015, 5 février). 1.9. Predicting the origin of DNA replication? , in 1. Genomic texts. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 10 juin 2024)

1.9. Predicting the origin of DNA replication?

Réalisation : 5 février 2015 - Mise en ligne : 9 mai 2017
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We have seen a nice algorithm to draw, let's say, a DNA sequence. We will see that first, we have to correct a little bit this algorithm. And then we will see how such as imple algorithm can provide biological results. Again, this is the aim of bioinformatics: analysing the genomic texts and providing biological results. So, you remember that we had to deal with the problem of the screen size and for that, we decided to change the first version of the algorithm and we introduced a window of fixed length. And we get this algorithm. So, in this algorithm, we repeat the analysis within the window and we make the window progress along the sequence. A problem we didn't deal within this first version is that there is no reason why the lengthof the sequence would be a multiple of the length of the window. It means that it is possible we arrive at this situation. You see here that the window islonger than the last part of the sequence we have to take into account. So, we have to modify a little bit a condition here to take care of the fact that, if we have this case, we have to stop there because here, we don't have any character to take into account in the lastpart of the window.


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