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Serge BLERALD (Réalisation), Direction de l'Image et de l'Audiovisuel de l'EHESS (Production), Luc Foisneau (Intervention), Luciano Venezia (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/a39a-sg14
Citer cette ressource :
Luc Foisneau, Luciano Venezia. EHESS. (2018, 13 novembre). The anthority of the state: from Joseph Raz to Thomas Hobbes - Interview with Luciano Venezia , in Séminaire de philosophie politique normative. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. https://doi.org/10.60527/a39a-sg14. (Consultée le 28 octobre 2024)

The anthority of the state: from Joseph Raz to Thomas Hobbes - Interview with Luciano Venezia

Réalisation : 13 novembre 2018 - Mise en ligne : 5 juillet 2019
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Luciano Venezia completed his PhD in Political Philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires and the École des hautes études en sciences sociales. He is research fellow at the the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina and teaches at the National University of Quilmes. He works in the history of political philosophy, especially in early modern political thought, as well as in analytical political and moral philosophy. He is currently working on both conceptual and normative issues related to the notion of political authority.

In the interview, Luciano Venezia and Luc Foisneau discuss different aspects of the notion of authority, especially as developed by Joseph Raz. They also discuss Luciano’s previous work on Hobbes, especially as developed in the book Hobbes on Legal Authority and Political Obligation. In the final part of the interview, they talk about the relationship between the history of political philosophy and modern analytic philosophy.


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