Lieu de réalisation
Langues :
Anglais, Français
CNED - Distances et Médiations des Savoirs - Open University (Organisation de l'évènement), Élodie Vialleton (Intervention), Daniel Peraya (Intervention), Jérôme Villot (Intervention)
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Citer cette ressource :
Élodie Vialleton, Daniel Peraya, Jérôme Villot. CNED. (2022, 21 octobre). Conclusion of the conference , in Clôture du colloque CNED - DMS - Open University - Distance 2022 : La formation à distance, résolument ?. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 8 octobre 2024)

Conclusion of the conference

Réalisation : 21 octobre 2022 - Mise en ligne : 18 juillet 2023
  • document 1 document 2 document 3
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The international conference "Distance education: a brave new world?" having lived up to all its promises, thanks are extended to all the participants, the French academic journal Distance and Mediation of Knowledge, the supporting institutions Cned and The Open University, and the members of the organizing and scientific committees, for the quality of the presentations and exchanges during these 2 days.
The closing session discusses the unique educational impact in history created by the health crisis, which led to the continuation of teaching and learning through distance education. In this context, the session raises questions about the lockdown: was it an opportunity or a threat to distance learning? And it provides some answers: As demonstrated by the conference, distance learning is an extremely effective pedagogical approach when considering a few fundamental principles. Affected by the magnitude and scope of this period, educational public policies, as well as various stakeholders in education, are prompted to reflect and gradually evolve their practices. These challenges are carried by the research community, as well as historical actors such as The Open University and Cned.


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