Vidéo pédagogique

Food Systems and nutrition : supporting consumers to change their behaviour

Réalisation : 30 septembre 2021 - Mise en ligne : 31 octobre 2022
  • document 1 document 2 document 3
  • niveau 1 niveau 2 niveau 3

Ana Islas Ramos (Nutrition officer, FAO) replaces the consumers/eatersat the centre of the food system; she shows how eating behaviours influence the food sytem but vice versa. The consumers do not carry the entire responsibility of the food system shapes. The first step to enlight these links is to gain good understanding of who the eaters are, what issues they face, what drives their eating behaviours, their attitudes, skills, goals, aspirations.

Consumer behavior is influenced by a myriad of complex and inter-linked factors at different levels; for example the food environment level :  organizing the context in which people make decisions, can “nudge” people towards one option above another. Ana also comes back on the role of Food and Nutrition Education, necessary but not sufficient, to help going towards sustainable healthy diets.


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