Vidéo pédagogique
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Arlène Alpha (Intervention), Lalita Bhattacharjee (Intervention)
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Institut agro Montpellier
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Arlène Alpha, Lalita Bhattacharjee. Canal-uved. (2021, 26 octobre). Lessons for food system policy, programs and governance – A word from the experts , in Nutrition and Food systems. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 15 janvier 2025)

Lessons for food system policy, programs and governance – A word from the experts

Réalisation : 26 octobre 2021 - Mise en ligne : 16 novembre 2022
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Interview with Arlène Alpha (Researcher, CIRAD) and Lalita Bhattacharjee (Senior Nutrition Advisor, FAO Bangladesh).

A. Alpha says that, over the last decade, although there has been stronger connection between sectors and although the need for a multisectoral approach in nutrition is now seen in every policy document, the governance of nutrition tends to remain segmented. The use of a food system approach could potentially help to move towards better integrating sectors. It is also an opportunity to promote dietary diversity as a key strategy to address the multiple forms of malnutrition.

L. Bhattacharjee is questioned about the communities’ involvement in policy formulation in Bangladesh. She explains how the approach has evolved from largely top down, subnational and community level mechanisms enabled a better consideration of the ground realities.

She emphasizes that monitoring and evaluation of policy implementation is fundamental and investments… Lastly, there is need to adapt normative recommendations into national policies and guidelines.


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