Nutrition and Food systems
This course is designed for people involved in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of nutrition-sensitive food systems and agriculture policies and programmes, policy and decision-makers.
It can also be of interest to students, specialists and professionals working in the areas of food systems, nutrition, agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
This course was designed and developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Agreenium (Institut Agro Montpellier et Cirad), and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, the Université Virtuelle Environnement et Développement Durable(UVED) and Montpellier University of Excellence (Muse).
Food systems and nutrition in 2021: how did we get there?
Florence Egal (Senior Consultant, Urban-Rural Linkages, UN-Habitat) looks back at 75 years of agricultural and food policies.
Environmental impacts of food systems
Alexandre Meybeck (Senior Forests, Trees and Agroforestry Scientist, CIFOR) describes the effects of today's dominant food systems on the environment.
Food systems and nutrition in 2021: how did we get here? A word from the experts
Alexandre Meybeck (Senior Forests, Trees and Agroforestry Scientist, CIFOR) and Patrizia Fracassi, (Senior Nutrition and Food Systems Officer, FAO) explain the causes and the possible levers for
The food system : dimensions, drivers, outcomes, complexity
Patrick Caron (Researcher in CIRAD and Vice President for International Affairs, University of Montpellier) presents the concept of "food system".
The ‘food systems’ approach
Corinna Hawkes, director of the Center for Food Policy at City University of London describes what exactly is meant when we're talking about a food systems approach and why is it so important as a
Healthy diets in the food system framework
Dr Nancy Aburto, Deputy Director of the Food and Nutrition Division (FAO), emphasises the close link between good nutrition and health, but points out that there is a misconception that nutrition is
The food system: Dimensions, drivers, outcomes, complexity - A word from the experts
This video is an interview with Nicolas Bricas (Researcher in CIRAD and Director of the UNESCO Chair of World Food Systems) and Ahmed Raza, Nutrition and Food Systems Officer (FAO).
A multidimensional lens: case studies adressing multiple dimensions of the food system - Introducti…
Israel Klug, Programme Officer in FAO talks about multidimensional interventions ; He explains how an intervention can not only have specific effects on the determinants of malnutrition, but can also
Example of a multidimensional food and nutrition intervention: case study from Lao People's Democr…
Maria Antonia Guillermo-Tuazon (Nutrition and Food Systems Officer, FAO) presents a case from Lao People's Democratic Republic on capacity building for food security and better nutrition.
Systemic interventions for nutrition and healthy diets. A word from the experts.
Interview with Melissa Vargas (Expert on nutrition guidelines and standards/project coordinator, FAO) and Christiane Rakotomalala (Nutrition Project Manager, GRET) about their nutrition' project.
Pathways, levers, outcomes : making the food system work for better outcomes
Ana Islas Ramos (Nutrition Officer, FAO) describes how systems thinking helps going beyond what is immediate and close, stepping back to look at the big picture.
FAO/WHO Sustainable healthy diets- Guiding principles
Fatima Hachem (Senior Nutrition Officer, FAO) presents the FAO/WHO sustainable health diets guiding principles, from her team leader of the group working on nutrition education and consumer awareness
Pathways, levers, outcomes: making the food system work for better outcomes. A word from the experts
Interview with Francesca Distefano (Gender and Policy Expert, FAO) on gender inequalities in the food system and Rosa Rolle (Agro-food industries and food loss and waste reduction Team Leader, FAO)
Food Systems and nutrition : supporting consumers to change their behaviour
Ana Islas Ramos (Nutrition officer, FAO) replaces the consumers/eatersat the centre of the food system; she shows how eating behaviours influence the food sytem but vice versa.
Food systems and nutrition - Food and nutrition education explained: the why-what-how?
Yenory Hernandez Garbanzo (Nutrition Specialist at FAO and Vice-president of the Society of Nutrition Education and Behaviour) explains the “why-what and how » of planning, designing or implementing a
Food systems and nutrition : Influencing consumers´ food behaviours
Melissa Vargas (Expert on nutrition guidelines and standards/project coordinator, FAO) , talks you about what aspects shape consumers food related behaviours and what interventions and approaches have
Food system interventions for nutrition: examples from GRET
Interview with Adama Bayili, Coordinator, GRET and Claire Costis, Nutrition Programme Officer, GRET. The 2 speakers describe how, in GRET, they link the interventions with the different sectors, and
Systems approaches to the food environment
Dalia Mattioni (Research Associate - FOODTRAILS project - School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University) looks at the role of the food environment in consumer supply and eating behaviour.
Systems approaches to the food environment Law on food labelling and advertising: the Chilean exper…
Dra. Lorena Rodríguez Osiac (Professor, Public Health Institute, University of Chile) presents the experience implemented in Chile on food labelling and advertising.
Systems approaches to the food environment - A word from the experts
Interview with Dalia Mattioni, Research Associate - FOODTRAILS project - School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University) and Pilar Santacoloma, Agri-food Systems Officer, FAO, who explain how
Systems approaches to food production and supply
Florence Tartanac (Senior officer, market linkages and value chains groups, FAO) looks at the definition of food systems and their role in providing a fair livelihood for the world's population.
The role of urban and periurban agriculture in promoting sustainable food systems
Guido Santini (Programme Coordinator, FAO) develops a presentation on the role of urban and periurban agriculture in promoting sustainable food systems in urban areas.
Systems approaches to food production and supply – a word from the experts
Interview with Abram Bicksler (Agricultural Officer, FAO) and Andrea Polo Galante, (Senior Nutrition Consultant, FAO) on linkages between healthy diets and food production and the sustainable food
From data to impact – Tools for gathering information and taking decisions
Maria Antonia Tuazon (Nutrition and Food Systems Officer, FAO) addressed the issue of data collection for planning, monitoring and evaluating the transformation of food systems.
The theory of change in programming for sustainable healthy diets - Understanding the system thinki…
Ti Kian Seow (Nutrition and Food Systems Officer, FAO) and Clement Lorvao (Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Expert, FAO) present how to use theories of change and impact pathways to mainstream
Nutrition-sensitive investment in agriculture and food systems - Budget analysis guidance note
Patrizia Fracassi (Senior Nutrition and Food System Officer, FAO) presents FAO’s work on Budget Analysis for nutrition sensitive investments in agri-food systems.
From data to impact – Tools for gathering information and taking decisions. A word from the experts.
Interview with Maria Antonia Guillermo-Tuazon (Nutrition and Food Systems Officer, FAO) and Corné van Dooren (World Wildlife Fund Netherlands).
Lessons for food system policy, programs and governance
Patrizia Fracassi (Senior Nutrition and Food System Officer, FAO) explains (and gives examples) that interventions within the food systems can have competing priorities that require balancing risks
Food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) to inform policies and programmes for food system transforma…
Ana Islas Ramos (Nutrition Officer, FAO) spoke about the use of FBDGs to inform policies and programmes to transform food systems.
United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition 2016–2025
Trudy Wijnhoven (Nutrition Officer, FAO) gives presentation about the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition 2016–2025, also referred to as the Nutrition Decade.
Lessons for food system policy, programs and governance – A word from the experts
Interview with Arlène Alpha (Researcher, CIRAD) and Lalita Bhattacharjee (Senior Nutrition Advisor, FAO Bangladesh) about food system policy, programs and governance.
Intervenants et intervenantes
Consultante Senior, Relations urbaines-rurales, ONU-Habitat.
Cadre supérieur, FAO (Italie)
Senior Nutrition and Food systemes officer at FAO
Vétérinaire. Géographe. Chercheur au CIRAD
Director of the Center for Food Policy at City University of London, United Kindom.
Deputy Director of the Food and Nutrition Division, FAO
Agro-économiste. Chercheur au CIRAD, Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (en 1996)
Nutrition and Food Systems Officer, FAO
Nutrition and Food Systems Officer at FAO (2022)
Experte en nutrition et coordinatrice de projet à la FAO - Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (2022)
- Alimentation
- Santé
- Politique alimentaire
- Sécurité alimentaire
- Malnutrition
- Consommateurs
- Comportement humain
- Éducation
- Systémique
- Agriculture
- Agriculture durable
- Chaînes alimentaires
- Consommation
- Droits des femmes
- Inégalité sociale
- Marketing
- Obésité
- Systèmes agroalimentaires localisés
- Systèmes alimentaires durables et territorialisés
- Afrique
- Agriculture urbaine
- Agrobiodiversité
- Aide alimentaire
- Aliments -- Approvisionnement
- Analyse des données
- Budget
- Changement d'attitude
- Élevage
- Enfants
- Étiquetage
- Faim
- Gaspillage alimentaire
- Industries agroalimentaires
- Influenceurs
- Innovations technologiques -- Politique publique
- Intégration sociale
- Investissements
- Labels
- Laos
- Normes sociales
- Organisations non gouvernementales
- Pauvreté
- Pays en voie de développement
- Pêche traditionnelle
- Politique des prix
- Préférences alimentaires
- Publicité
- Régimes alimentaires
- Technologies de l'information et de la communication
- Urbanisation
- Variétés
- Villes