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Claire SARAZIN (Réalisation), Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès-campus Mirail (Production), SCPAM / Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès-campus Mirail (Publication), Marie Bontemps (Intervention)
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DOI : 10.60527/vq4p-sx25
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Marie Bontemps. UT2J. (2017, 19 juin). Monolingual and multilingual learners of French. What are the effects of language background on spelling? / Marie Bontemps , in Bilinguisme contre monolinguisme : une nouvelle perspective sur les limites de l'acquisition de L2. [Vidéo]. Canal-U. (Consultée le 9 décembre 2024)

Monolingual and multilingual learners of French. What are the effects of language background on spelling? / Marie Bontemps

Réalisation : 19 juin 2017 - Mise en ligne : 15 février 2018
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Monolingual and multilingual learners of French. What are the effects of language background on spelling? / Marie Bontemps, in colloque "Bilingualism vs. monolingualism: a new perspective on limitations to L2 acquisition" organisé par le laboratoire Octogone-Lordat sous la responsabilité de Barbara Köpke (UT2J), Holger Hopp (Technische Universität Braunschweig), Tanja Kupisch (Universität Konstanz), Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, 19-20 juin 2017.

Foran optimal learning of the written language, children have to master the orallanguage (Ouelette & Sénéchal, 2008). However, some studies show thatmultilingual children, who fully master their second language, encounter moredifficulties at school, in particular on reading (Han, 2012). Teachers tend tocategorize children from bi-/multilingual families as being at risk for writingdelays (Kolne et al, 2016). However, evidence shows that bilingualism might nothave a negative impact on decoding or spelling abilities (Bialystok et al,2012).

Thepurpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of oral language background andlanguage behaviour at home, or parentaleducation have on spelling in beginning writers of French.  This study examined spelling knowledge usingthe BELO (George & Pech-Georgel, 2006) in 73 children (Table 1) at the end of 2nd grade. These children were recruitedfrom the French public school system in a suburb of Montreal, and exhibited awide range of immigration and linguistic profiles. Based on previous research(Han, 2012) we expected that slight differences between multilingual (MUL whospeak at least another language 10% to 100% of the time at home) and Frenchmonolingual (MON) participants would be seen on spelling errors.

Atelephone interview was conducted with parents to obtain demographic, literacy,health and language information via standard questionnaires. This interviewserved to identify parental education level, the number of spoken languages athome, languages spoken by siblings and exposure to the French language.

Todescribe the spelling errors found in the test, we developed an analyticalframework of spelling errors. These were grouped as phonological, lexical ormorphological. These data were then correlated with 1. parental education, 2.exposure to languages other than French, 3. number of spoken languages at homeor 4. number of languages spoken by siblings (Table 1).

Resultsshow no correlations between spelling abilities and the above-mentionedmeasures. Regardless of background, all children produce similar types andnumbers of spelling errors. We thus realised another analysis for spellingerrors on the BELO. Based on average number of errors two groups were formed;the first includes children within the average (AVR) and the second, thosebelow 1.5SD (DIFF). The DIFF group make many more errors than the AVR group, X2(2, N = 1187) = 58,24, p <.001 (Table 2). But also, makeatypical spelling errors signaling potential pathological behaviour. Errorpatterns will be discussed in our presentation.



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